A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


You Have to Set Yourself on Fire

How do other people recognize your true passion?

When we radiate excitement, enthusiasm and energy, the effect can be seismic. People can not only see it, but sense it.

Yet, sometimes we keep that passion more buttoned up than we realize. Others can’t see or recognize it. Hidden passion underwhelms the moment. When that happens, people around you simply don’t get on board. The ship never sails.

People need to see your passion every day. You can’t wait for spontaneous combustion. You have to set yourself on fire. On occasion, right in front of them.

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Inspiring others is among the highest callings of great leaders. But could there be anything you don’t know, you haven’t heard, about how to motivate and inspire?

Could there really be a universal principle that the best leaders follow? A framework that you could follow too?

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