A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Where the Struggle Ends

Take this test: 

Express gratefulness for the opportunities, advantages and blessings you have in life. 

Say it out loud or write a list. Be specific and name names. 

Now, try to be unhappy. 

Conjure up some negative thoughts and feelings. Work up to a foul mood. What you’ll find is that you can’t do it. Astonishingly, a person cannot be unhappy and grateful at the same time. When you confront unhappiness, yours or from others, the antidote is gratefulness. 

Research on positive psychology and wellbeing confirms that expressing gratitude amplifies happiness. The writer Neale Donald Walsch said something profound: “The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.” 

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Could there really be a universal principle that the best leaders follow? A framework that you could follow too?

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