A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Every Action Should Have Purpose

Brando, Garland, De Niro, Stritch, Taylor and Sheen all learned a singular, powerful idea from one woman: Stella Adler. An exceptional actress. A woman unusually full of mischief and mystery. And, of course, a legendary acting teacher.

At the heart of her lessons is a simple insight: Adler believes every action and movement has to have a purpose. Purpose, she contends, allows actors to stay in the moment and bring out the right emotions to reveal the truth.

The best leaders believe in the very same idea. Everything these leaders do has a purpose, a belief that they can create meaning for others via the choices they make. What they say and do, and how they say and do it, creates new realities for people. They understand the power of their everyday choices and understand the best leadership is a purposely creative act.

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