A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Writing the Last Scene First

Suspense writer John Grisham has this advice for mystery novelists: Don’t write the first scene until you’ve written the last. When a writer knows exactly how matters are going to wrap up, they can compose a more compelling story to get there. 

This advice also applies perfectly to leaders who are crafting a strategy. Strategies are more on target when leaders write the last chapter first. 

Beyond goals and outcomes, a vivid end game includes a description of impact, reputation, offshoot opportunities, and new constituents, among other features. By writing a thorough synopsis of the endpoint, leaders are able to craft a more complete and accurate strategy to arrive there. 

The last chapter may be a vision or a goal-driven end state. But before designing a strategy to achieve it, the best leaders paint a very specific picture of what it looks like. This aspirational image should include several features. 

Of course, the future state is comprised of attainable goals, both broad and narrow. Listing the many outcomes and goals that describe the ideal end state is a good first step. Next, a description of the primary impact of achieving the goals and the many differences others will see in the end state adds much-needed texture. 

Undoubtedly, the aspirational outcome will also create a reputation and brand around the effort. It may even produce new customers or constituents. Describing these differences gives even more texture to the end state. Lastly, effective leaders describe how attaining the end state will influence the future processes, workflows, and resources within the organization. 

By working backward from a highly defined last chapter, the strategy for going forward to achieve it comes into sharper focus. It becomes easier to align actions and initiatives with the desired outcomes. Figuring out the many investments and steps required to achieve the end state in its entirety makes the strategy more robust and complete. 

Sound strategy starts with having a highly defined end state, full of goals and other aspirational features. By writing the last chapter first, good leaders take the mystery out of crafting a great strategy. John Grisham would be pleased.

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