The most common meeting that occurs in organizations should not actually happen, at least not in the form it usually takes.
As a rule, update or information-sharing meetings are a big waste of precious time in organizations. Using other mediums with a defined structure for sharing information is both more efficient and more sensible.
The fact that team members won’t take the time to peruse a tersely stated update is no reason to call a meeting. When travel, time, and other resources are factored in, meetings cost big money. Spending those resources on an information-sharing meeting suggests an organization that doesn’t value others’ time.
The better call is to turn update meetings into information-gathering meetings, where soliciting input from those in attendance is the primary goal. Or, turn them into project status meetings, where the update is open to questions and challenges from the team. At least information gathering and status meetings can be justified as time better spent.
For those who attend too many meetings (You), consider the primary reasons why a meeting, either face-to-face or virtual, is the best use of time. Meetings with a focus on solving a problem, making a decision, brainstorming ideas, planning for a project, crafting strategy, debating critical choices, or aligning tactics and strategy are excellent reasons for investing time. Any other reason should be suspect.
Too many leaders set meetings just because they are expected to or take the place of real work. Good leaders don’t use meetings to replace productivity or simply to keep people abreast of what is going on. They challenge and question the need for any new meeting on the calendar and fine-tune existing meetings to make them powerfully productive.
Making meetings more powerful and engaging is a challenge for every leader. Sometimes the best choice is not to have the meeting in the first place. When a meeting does make the most sense, then leaders craft crisp agendas and keep every conversation on track. Time is precious for everyone. Good leaders don’t waste it.
The Reason Not to Have a Team Meeting
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