A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


The Preferred Gift of Leaders

Leaders know that, at any given point in time, a colleague, friend, or client may benefit from a nudge forward, a new insight, or an idea worth debating. Leaders search for just the right words or images to leave a mark. And to create the vibrant conversation others need. 

As committed bibliotherapists, the hunt for a provocative video, poem, quotation, book chapter, map, or song lyric never ends. 

The best messages fit the person and the moment like a glove. In a manner of expression, they are precisely what the doctor ordered. The truth is, any bespoke idea uncovered and worth sharing is relationship gold. 

Sharing the treasure they uncover with those they care about provides the lift others need to face the challenges or struggles they currently face. Sending a newfound recipe, a contrarian think piece, a delightfully written film review, an insightful book excerpt, a timeless graduation speech, or an extraordinary video talk tells others that they matter. Spending the time to find such a rare message suggests an equally rare leader and relationship. 

Because the ideas leaders uncover are not commonplace or easy to find, those on the receiving end dig in quickly to understand what is so special. What follows is normally a conversation to discuss, debate, or elaborate on what has been shared — which was actually the point all along. The preferred gift of extraordinary leaders is anything that creates the next enthralling conversation. 

In reality, notable information worth sharing not only creates insight, but also serves as the catalyst for a new conversation that moves the relationship forward. The best leaders think of themselves as bibliotherapists and act accordingly.

Those around them are all the better for it. 

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Inspiring others is among the highest callings of great leaders. But could there be anything you don’t know, you haven’t heard, about how to motivate and inspire?

Could there really be a universal principle that the best leaders follow? A framework that you could follow too?

There is.

Everyone who signs up for Admired Leadership Field Notes will get instant access to our special guide that describes a powerful idea we call Fanness™ (including a special 20-minute video that really brings this idea to life).