A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


The Optimism of Relentless Pursuit

We prefer to follow optimistic leaders. 

When leaders project optimism toward people and events, everyone feels better about what’s around the corner. Optimistic leaders provide the energy that fuels progress and achievement. 

Team members draw confidence from the optimism and can-do attitude displayed by leaders who understand the importance of this intangible quality. Looking for an opportunity in every difficulty is something good leaders train themselves to do. 

Leaders can learn how to project optimism without becoming unabashed cheerleaders for an uncertain future. Optimistic leaders reframe challenges as opportunities, celebrate short-term successes, and paint a compelling vision of what lies ahead. 

Of the many ways a leader can signal optimism to a team, perhaps none is more convincing than persistence.   

The relentless, persistent pursuit of attaining a goal or outcome imbues optimism in a way that nothing else can. Once they set their sights on a prize, great leaders are tenacious. They drive forward, pushing obstacles and roadblocks to the side and maintaining a constant focus and relentless pursuit of the outcome. Even in the face of adversity, optimistic leaders stay the course and maintain a positive attitude. 

When team members observe the single-minded persistence of leaders, they sense optimism. They conclude that anyone that tenacious has to believe the goal is both achievable and attainable. Relentless pursuit, coming from a leader who won’t give up, suggests it is only a matter of time before victory is declared. 

For leaders, optimism and persistence feed each other. Leaders who are highly persistent are more likely to achieve their goals. This fortifies the ability to maintain an optimistic view about any pursuit. 

And here’s the kicker. Once a leader chooses to maintain a high level of optimism, it bolsters their ability to be persistent. 

The decision to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude about every challenge is a critical ingredient of leadership effectiveness. The positive push of optimistic leaders can make a world of difference when teams face adversity. 

Showing others that you are in relentless pursuit of any goal is the boost most team members need most. Even in defeat, good leaders never stop or give in. They just run out of time.   

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