A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


The Best Self-Affirmations Aren’t Perfectly True Just Yet

The positive statements leaders and performers tell themselves to raise their confidence and keep themselves calm under pressure are more than just personal pep talks. They are essential for maintaining a positive mindset during performance.

By regularly repeating a self-affirmation, leaders and performers cultivate the inner confidence that is so important for focused execution.

The simple act of saying them, with the inner voice, can ward off any negative thoughts and lingering self-doubts.

Now, these kinds of effective self-affirmations would sound boastful, conceited, and arrogant — if said out loud. That’s because they are designed to describe the ideal aspiration of what people want to believe about themselves.

The best self-affirmations declare how people would like to be in the future as if it were true right now. Affirming that self-belief with the inner voice creates energy, optimism, and hopefulness.

No wonder so many top leaders rely upon self-affirmations to give them the added boost they need to perform at their best.

Here’s a list of 10 self-affirmations every leader should consider adding to their repertoire:

  1. I am the best at what I do.
  2. I inspire others with my passion.
  3. I am calm and composed under pressure.
  4. I have the power to create positive change.
  5. Others follow my example.
  6. My values are non-negotiable.
  7. I am resilient in the face of adversity.
  8. Mistakes make me stronger.
  9. I am committed to excellence in everything I do.
  10. I get better every day.

Self-affirmations write a personal script for success, confidence, and accomplishment.

Leaders don’t have to believe their self-affirmations are true in the present moment, but they do have to want them to be true.

By repeating them with the inner voice, leaders inch ever closer to making them a reality through confident performance.

Even the most accomplished performers depend on them. So should you.

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