Every once in a while, even top performers experience the need for an injection of self-confidence. They have learned that striking a power pose when no one is looking can give them a boost and remind them that they are worthy of success.
A power pose is a stance that conveys confidence and is easy to do. All you need is a little privacy and a few minutes. The rest depends on you. Making a power pose in front of a mirror and giving yourself an affirmation like “You got this” or “No one is going to play better than you today” can work wonders for instilling a sense of power and well-being.
Almost everyone has struck such a pose during their formative years but may feel they don’t need to do something so silly as an adult. Top athletes, stage performers, and motivational speakers will tell you otherwise.
Common power poses include the Wonder Woman (standing upright with hands on hips), Mr. Clean (arms crossed at the chest), the Touchdown Pose (hands upright in an H), the Bodybuilder (arms extended sideways with muscles flexed), the Moses (arms at an angle toward the sky) and the Celebration Dance.
Holding the pose for a few minutes in front of a mirror can influence confidence because it reminds us of the feelings we experience after success. The pose projects an inner conviction that the performer has what it takes to overcome adversity and the resilience to achieve excellence.
Striking a power pose just prior to performance gives performers a shot of adrenaline and electrifies their positive attitude. Staring at yourself in the mirror and giving yourself a pep talk while striking a power pose is more common than you think.
Although many of the world’s most accomplished performers might not admit it, they, too, strike a power pose on occasion to elevate their confidence prior to performance.
Give it a try sometime when you need it most. No one needs to know but you.
Striking a Power Pose Before Performance
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