When it comes to spreading strategic messages across an organization or a marketplace, the best communicators know something all leaders should know — there is a world of difference between repetition and redundancy. Repetition is about saying the same thing over and over. Redundancy is about saying the same thing in different ways. Over time, we tune out highly repetitive messages, as we believe we have already heard them. We would be right!
Unfortunately for leaders, rarely does hearing a message translate into those they lead understanding it or taking action on it. Thus, many leaders repeat messages incessantly so as to make the points stick. This strategy produces irritation without much influence.
Instead, the best leaders are highly redundant. The message is focused, yet is articulated via varied methods such as stories, slogans, testimonials, and presentations. When we put them in print, these redundant messages find themselves in emails, videos, virtual calls, and billboards.
Keeping strategic messages in front of an organization is essential for aligning action. Stop being annoying with too much repetition. Rather, make your points and messages sticky by being highly redundant. Perhaps, we should say this in another way.