A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Seek Commitment, Not Compliance

Getting people to do what is required is a low bar for leaders. Gaining compliance is not hard when leaders can compel people to action with incentives and disincentives. Teams that follow directions perform very differently from teams that carry a heartfelt commitment to the larger purpose of working together. 

Leaders who seek commitment as opposed to compliance enjoy higher retention, better team morale, and superior work. When team members are committed to the vision, mission, values, and relationships of the team, they become fully engaged, not only in the work but with the team itself. 

Leaders who inspire commitment prepare team members to confront adversity and challenge and become stronger as a result. Committed team members have staying power and maintain their enthusiasm long after their initial excitement is gone. In the words of one author, “Motivation may get you started, but it is commitment that keeps you going.” 

The more committed team members become over time, the more likely they are to act as leaders and own problems to a conclusion. If commitment equals engagement, then compliance equals participation. 

Good leaders don’t create spectators. They inspire committed believers who take accountability for everything that happens with the team. Is your team committed, or just following directions? The answer is a reflection of you.

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