A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Replay an Amazing Success

Sometimes a team or family member performs in spectacular fashion. They achieve a result or execute a process in an extraordinary way. Those around them are proud of what they have accomplished and celebrate their success. 

In a matter of time, emotions return to normal and the high performer begins to work hard to achieve their next victory. But great leaders don’t forget about the accomplishment as quickly as lesser leaders might. In fact, they store it. 

By documenting the success, keeping mementos of the moment (such as video, celebratory cards and statements, performance notes, and the like), and any props necessary for a reenactment of the performance, great leaders maintain a treasure chest of motivation. 

Some day in the distant future, those exceptional leaders will stage a replay of the amazing success, reminding the star of their special moment of victory. 

Reproducing a glorious moment for a colleague, team, or family member is a shot of adrenaline into the arm of future success. The unique boost of confidence and esteem such a rehash creates, especially when the reenactment is vivid with details, is unequal to any other lift of the spirit. 

What kind of leader would think ahead and lie in wait, sometimes for months or years, prepared to replay an amazing success? Only a leader who views their role as one of inspiration and motivation for those around them would commit to such an idea. People will do anything for such a leader. That’s an amazing success times two. 


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