A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


If Only I Had Seen This Situation Before!

Experience matters. There’s no getting around that fact.

Leaders who have seen a situation before feel more confident and better able to focus on the people and issues that count. Strategies and tactics employed in a previous episode give leaders a good idea of what will work in the current situation and what won’t. 

Approaching a situation a leader has never before encountered can be a nerve-racking experience. Too often, leaders believe their lack of experience with a situation will undermine their ability to perform. If only they had seen this before!

Leaders who hold this belief to an extreme underplay the creativity and smarts they bring to the table. Such a self-limited belief soon becomes a false accusation. “I’ll never do well because I lack the experience I need to succeed.” It’s hard to perform when leaders tell themselves they can’t.

A self-limiting belief is a state of mind that constrains or restricts the ability to perform at the highest level. Such beliefs prevent leaders from taking risks, pursuing opportunities, and employing effective strategies in new situations. Perhaps the most pernicious of these beliefs for leaders is the idea of having too little experience.

The best leaders make a conscious decision not to fall prey to this self-fulfilling thought. They remind themselves that they possess the creativity, smarts, and industry to figure out how best to proceed in a new situation.

Rather than question what they don’t know regarding a situation, they rely on what they do know and engage accordingly. The knowledge we gain through experience is always in retrospect.

Sometimes, the best learning happens just by doing.  

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Inspiring others is among the highest callings of great leaders. But could there be anything you don’t know, you haven’t heard, about how to motivate and inspire?

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