A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


How Often Do You Use Your Strengths During the Workday?

Management consultants remind us that higher job satisfaction is commonly a function of well-known ingredients: high task diversity, a positive workplace climate, consistent recognition for good work, the flexibility to create a reasonable work-life balance, opportunities for advancement, highly connected relationships with colleagues, and competitive compensation. 

One other factor that research has proven to be critically important to job satisfaction is the match between skills and job roles and responsibilities

When the roles team members play are aligned with their talents and skills, job satisfaction becomes amplified. But is that what is really at work? 

We can make better sense of this relationship by turning to the ideas underlying the work on human well-being and what it means to flourish. 

As it turns out, one of the most important findings after several decades of research on positive psychology is the criticality of using strengths throughout the day. 

The more often leaders and team members get the chance to apply their character and competency strengths to tasks throughout the day, the higher their job satisfaction.

Leaders and team members can take an active role in their own well-being and satisfaction by seeking opportunities to apply their strengths throughout each day. 

Good leaders are thoughtful about offering assignments and projects that play to the strengths of team members, while team members can be assertive to raise their hands for assignments that utilize their skills, talents, and core character assets. 

In the words of preeminent positive psychologist Martin Seligman, who spent a lifetime studying the influence of core strengths and optimism on personal satisfaction, “The good life is using your signature strengths every day to produce authentic happiness and abundant gratification.” 

That’s what it means to “flourish” as a leader, team member, and person. Satisfaction in the job and everywhere else depends on applying our strengths to tasks. 

What new opportunities exist today for you to apply your signature talents? The more often you get the chance to do what you do best, the more satisfaction with your work and personal life you will realize.  

It’s time to take charge and to flourish.

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