One commitment team leaders and facilitators must have when running meetings is to hold up the minor voice.
Translated, this means to make sure everyone is heard and contributes to the discussion. This includes those who are reticent, inexperienced, introverted, or fearful of interjecting their views.
Decision quality depends on everyone’s view. Making sure all opinions are on the table before landing on a decision or conclusion is essential work. But getting the quiet types to speak up is not always easy.
Good leaders have learned a few tricks along the way. Prior to the meeting, they will ask those with a pattern of meeting silence for their views on the topics to be discussed.
When they hear an opinion they believe will have an impact, they offer praise for the viewpoint and request that the team member speak up about it during the meeting. Because they now know the leader values this viewpoint, it is easier for the team member to offer it when the topic arises.
Another important strategy for getting others to talk is for the leader to call on them during the meeting: “Terry, what’s your view on this?” Making the commitment not to leave a topic or meeting without hearing from every team member creates the norm for contribution.
When team members know they will be asked their opinion, and have little choice but to offer it, they learn to speak up without prompting. Good leaders don’t hesitate to call for a viewpoint from those who haven’t spoken.
After the meeting, reminding team members who did not contribute of their obligation to participate encourages more engaged behavior next time. Team members who believe it is perfectly acceptable to remain silent during a meeting will often do so.
By suggesting all team members have an obligation to contribute and offer their candid views, leaders set the proper expectations for participation. On good teams, no one is allowed to sit like a potted plant and just watch the action. Everyone is expected to contribute.
How many members on your team engage passively during some or all of the team’s discussions? It’s time to get these people heard. Every contribution counts toward improving the quality of discussion, even the minor voice. Too many leaders and team members forget that.
- September 15, 2023
Holding Up the Minor Voice
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