Leaders often know the right course of action but need a little extra confidence or a simple nudge to act.
That’s why leaders commonly turn to third parties for support. Third parties with deep expertise, experience, and wisdom play a critical role. Armed with the assessment and view of an expert, leaders find the validation they need to act.
Most of the time, the outside expert recommends the exact strategy or pathway the leader had already landed on. But the confirmation is invaluable, largely because it gives leaders the resolve to act.
Management consultants are widely used to provide just such a push or nudge forward. In fact, many of the world’s largest consulting firms tell organizations and their leaders what they already know to be true but do so with the data that encourages them to act on their original conviction.
Getting organizations and leaders to take action is a lot harder than many people realize.
With so much at stake and with the risks involved with charting a different course, leaders are naturally hesitant to try new things or embrace a different view.
So sometimes, they just need a push or nudge or even a shove.
Borrowing from a well-worn allegory, think about the situation of five frogs sitting on a log. Four of those frogs decide to jump off the limb.
The question is: How many are left on the log?
As any consultant will tell you, the answer is all 5. Because there is a difference between deciding and doing!
When it comes to major decisions, a new strategic direction, or a critical response, good leaders sometimes need the help of a third-party expert to validate their thinking.
Don’t be shy about asking for an outside view. Whatever it takes to find the courage to act is a good thing. A little nudge can sometimes make all the difference.
Engaging a Third Party to Nudge Us Toward Action
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