A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Develop a Go-To

When the pressure is on and nerves are frayed, top performers pull out their “go-to.” A “go-to” always dazzles, and it gives us the confidence to relax as we let it work its magic.

A go-to story. A go-to shot. A go-to introduction. A go-to anecdote. A go-to greeting. A go-to cocktail. A go-to metaphor. A go-to exercise. A go-to strategy. A go-to place.

There are manifold “go-to’s” that performers rely upon to get them past anxious moments. This well-worn tactic is tried and true, and always boosts confidence.

Developing a reliable go-to is an essential ingredient to high performance. Everyone experiences doubt or indecision in crucial moments. We all need something to get us through and to calm the nervous jitters. Settle on your go-to before the performance begins, and keep it in reserve just in case you need it.

A reliable go-to exists only through high repetition. The more you practice this tactic, the more likely it will become a dependable maneuver. You know you have found a go-to when your execution is automatic and the outcome or response is nearly identical every time. Save it for when you need it most.

A great go-to is like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. The magic is yours. Rely on it.

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