A Daily Dispatch from the Front Lines of Leadership.


Are You Ready for Victory?

Athletes and entertainers have created a myriad of expressions to celebrate victory in the moment. Fist pumps, flipping bats, pointing to the sky, leaping for joy, slapping a thigh, shaking hands in the air, sliding to a stop, running in a circle, chest bumps, heart-to-heart hugs, an idiomatic dance, shedding a shirt, making a muscle, screaming in joy at their fans, bowing a head and crying, kissing a loved one, holding a trophy high. No doubt you can envision just such a celebration from one of your favorite athletes. 

Leaders have words. While leaders can act like athletes and celebrate victory in similar ways, most leadership victories don’t lend themselves to physical expressions beyond smiles and handshakes. Iconic images of athletes celebrating victory are imprinted visually on the mind, but words endure for even longer when they pierce the heart with perfection. What leaders say immediately after a victory can be epic. Or prove to be too small for the moment. 

Fist pumps and chest bumps happen almost spontaneously in the moment, but words in such moments, even the most heartfelt expressions, require some preparation. The best leaders recognize this and prepare for the moment. They are ready with just the right phrase that captures what everyone is feeling and thinking. Those words become imprinted in the heart of a team for weeks and months, sometimes years. Such messages need to be authentically you — no one else can craft them. Are you ready for victory?

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