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Asking great questions is what great leaders do. To fully incorporate the Socratic Method into their leadership style, the best leaders also understand the importance of counterexamples to further refine thinking about an issue or topic. Counterexamples attempt to disprove or rebut a statement of fact by offering a case or example where the viewpoint doesn’t apply or operate perfectly. For instance, if a team member were to define a “strategy” as a plan of action designed to achieve a goal, a counterexample might be to point out how spontaneous decisions that address an immediate problem are imbued with strategy but lack planning.
Anytime a leader transitions to a new role, team members unfamiliar with them naturally become fixated on who they are and how they will lead the team. Leaders instinctively know that establishing their credibility quickly with the team is critical to their short- and long-term success. Demonstrating that they are worth following and have the competence to inspire loyalty is job one for a new leader. Sound advice, such as meeting with as many team members face-to-face and listening to their views about what has been successful and what needs to change, sets leaders up for success.

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Inspiring others is among the highest callings of great leaders. But could there be anything you don’t know, you haven’t heard, about how to motivate and inspire?

Could there really be a universal principle that the best leaders follow? A framework that you could follow too?

There is.

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